Three Questions About Gum Disease
It can be painful and unsightly to have infected gums. Thankfully, this is not a problem that you need to deal with indefinitely since gum disease can be treated by a dentist. Here are some questions about having gum disease that you should know the answers to.
What Is Gum Disease?
Gum disease is essentially an inflammatory condition that's caused by bacteria in your mouth. It causes the gums to swell, bleed, and feel painful. The swelling leads to pockets forming on your gums, which is essentially an infection that causes the gums to recede. Dentists can notice gum disease in its early stages, when it is known as gingivitis, which is when you'll have slight swelling and redness in your gums.
You can run into major complications if you ignore issues with gum disease. You'll likely have abscesses form, which are pockets of pus that feel very painful. You can also lose teeth due to damage to your periodontal ligaments. If the teeth do not fall out completely, they'll feel loose in your mouth.
How Is Gum Disease Diagnosed?
There is not a complicated process associated with diagnosing gum disease. A dentist can typically tell based on the symptoms you are reporting and by looking at your gums. Sometimes an X-ray will need to be taken to see if there has been damage caused under the gums that should be a reason to be concerned.
How Is Gum Disease Treated?
The best way to have your gum disease issue treated is by going to a dentist. They'll start by getting rid of all the tartar and plaque that is on the outside of the teeth, which can help any open wounds to drain. Removing all of that infected matter can help start off the treatment process. A dentist will clean under gum pockets that are infected using specialized tools. The dentist can scrape out the plaque buildup, or they can use water to force the plaque out of your gums.
How Long Will It Take to Heal From Gum Disease Treatment?
You'll likely be given an antibiotic to assist with killing an infection that is still in your gums. Unfortunately, it can take a while to heal after the cleaning procedure. Some patients require a gum tissues restoration procedure to deal with gums that have receded during the infection, which helps protect your gums and improve the appearance.
Contact a dentist to learn more about dental services that can help treat and prevent gum disease.