Learn What To Do When You Feel Excruciating Dental Pain
Dental pain can be excruciating and many people wait until they simply cannot take the pain anymore before going to see a dentist. When you wait to the last minute to go and seem dental attention on a damaged tooth, there are many times when the only option left is to have the tooth removed. If you have excruciating dental pain that you plan to have treated in the near future, use the guide below to learn what to expect if the dentist determines that you do need a dental extraction.
Some Dentists Offer Sedation Dentistry
If you are fearful of the dentist and it causes you a lot of anxiety to even think about having a tooth extracted, you may want to see a dentist who offers sedation dentistry. Sedation dentistry allows you to be sedated while a tooth is extracted so that you do not have to remember the experience later on down the road. You will simply wake up and the tooth will be gone.
Your Mouth Will be Well Numbed
There are many people who are fearful to have a tooth removed because they assume that it will be very painful. That is not the case. The dentist will numb your mouth before he or she attempts to remove the tooth. You will not actually feel any pain when the tooth is removed. The only thing that you will feel is pressure as the tooth is being pulled.
The Extraction Site Will Take Time to Heal
Many people do not realize that it will take some time for the hole to close where the tooth was removed from their mouth. The dentist will provide you with strict instructions to follow after you have had the tooth removed so that you can decrease the chances of having any complications during the recovery period. Smoking, drinking through a straw, and eating foods with small seeds should be avoided. Drinking through a straw can cause any clotting that develops in the hole to come loose. Smoking can cause an infection to develop and eating foods with small seeds can lead to seeds getting into the hole and causing an infection, as well.
Having a tooth removed does not take very long and can reduce the pain that you are feeling almost immediately. It is important to let the receptionist know that you need an emergency appointment when you call the dentist so that they can get you in for an appointment as soon as possible.