
A Healthy Smile Is Important for a Great Overall Appearance

Orthodontic Appliances For Kids And When They May Be Recommended

Many children suffer from misaligned teeth. Nevertheless, most alignment issues can be corrected using the right orthodontic treatment. There are multiple orthodontic applications that are suitable for children, but some may or may not be appropriate based on the age of the child. Here are several orthodontic appliances and when they may be recommended. Traditional Braces Many orthodontists suggest that a child be fitted with braces once most of their permanent teeth have presented. Read More 

Benefits Of Cosmetic Dentistry

If you're unhappy with the way your teeth look, or if you dislike the damage or decay that has occurred and altered your mouth, it may be time for an assessment by a professional. A cosmetic dentist can work with you to realign crooked teeth, add implants to fill in gaps, or fix teeth that have been chipped or are decaying.  If you're considering visiting this type of professional, there are numerous benefits including the following. Read More 

Need to Replace All Your Teeth? Know about These Two Options

Are your teeth suffering from problems that will require you to replace all of your teeth with fake ones? If so, you may be wondering what your options are for this dental procedure. Your dentist may recommend one of two options for full teeth replacement: dentures or dental implants. Here's what you need to know about these two procedures. Dentures The process of receiving dentures will actually take place over several visits. Read More 

Health Issues That Can Be Detrimental To Your Teeth And Gums

The overall health of your body can significantly impact your oral health. Here are a few health issues that can be detrimental to your teeth and gums. Eating Disorders People with eating disorders, such as anorexia and bulimia, are also at increased risk of oral health issues. The disorders reduce the amount of nutrients available to keep the teeth properly mineralized and the gums healthy.  In addition, people with bulimia may vomit to purge after consuming a meal. Read More 

Should You Go To The Dentist Right Away If Your Gums Are Bleeding?

Discovering that one's gums are bleeding can fill a person with dread. Are you already experiencing severe gum disease? Are your teeth at risk? While it's important to be invested in your oral health, bleeding gums aren't always the end of the world. Here's how to tell if you should head to a dentist right away or not. Women There are two unique conditions that women go through that can affect their gums: a period and pregnancy. Read More 

About Me

A Healthy Smile Is Important for a Great Overall Appearance

I have always loved fashion and beauty and have always taken great pride in my appearance. As a young adult, I never missed a hair coloring appointment or hesitated to run out to the mall to grab the latest trendy clothing item, but unfortunately, I didn't care for my teeth as well as I should. While I never used to be one to "shy away" from photos, I started fearing the camera after I saw how bad my teeth looked in one. That photo was a wake-up call, and I then dedicated myself to taking better care of my teeth at home, visiting the dentist regularly, and getting the dental work I needed. I learned a lot during this time, so I decided to start a blog to help others make smart dental decisions. Come back and check out my posts!


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